Continuous Improvement Board with T-Cards

This Continuous Improvement Whiteboard was developed for the Precision Planting’s Production Department. The central design of this 4’ x 6’ custom whiteboard uses T-cards so the Production Department can track the process, review, and optimize workflow. The cards are put in proper spots to give a visual management system. The T-Card can have detailed info on it, such as instructions, status, product details and so on. The Cards are then moved from one slot to another to signify their status.

T-Cards advantages

  • Color coordinate to add to the visual management. Each department/area can have its own color.
  • Arrange the cards on the board accordingly.
  • Moving cards updates the work status.
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments.
  • Continuously Improve work with the data collected.
  • T-Cards allow you to allocate tasks to team members and track progress in real time.

On this particular whiteboard, the cards can be slotted in one of these categories… New, Assigned, In Process Short Term, Long Term, Past Due, Review, and Closed. The Past Due holders are colored red which makes it significant and important and action steps are needed.

#continuous #continuousimprovement #tcards #LeanManagement #leanmanagement

Continuous Improvement Board with T-Cards | or 800-620-3073!