Continuous Improvement Custom Printed Whiteboard

Spotlight: Toshiba | Milwaukee Service Center

Magnetic Paper Snaps

In this Continuous Improvement Custom Whiteboard, checks and balances are in place for this busy, accessible magnetic dry erase board. Headings are LEAN inspired.

First there is Plan for Goals and Objective, there are two spots for Key Performance Indicators, and lastly, Act for Root Cause Counter Measure. There are two big spaces for Communications and Project Tracking, thus favoring for interaction and collaboration.

The real key to this whiteboard that is distinct from others, is the Heavy-Duty Paper Snaps attached to the board. Info in the form of letter size paper, can be easily held to the board. Because of the usefulness of this board, this is one of our most popular styles of boards.

The second board shown below is a similar board for CAT Production System. This designed board has grey boxes printed instead of the Paper Snaps. The boxes are sizes with placeholders to fit our magnetic paper holder windows. We color the board to potentially coordinate with your brand colors. Because the design of this board is universal in LEAN manufacturing, you can use this board as a starter for planning your own custom whiteboard.

Contact customer service today to start your custom design.

CAT Continuous Improvement Whiteboard
Continuous Improvement Whiteboard